Students gain work experience at Europlasts


In cooperation with the State Employment Agency of Latvia, we implement the “Employment during the summer for persons who receive education in general, special or professional education institutions”, where we give a number of students the opportunity to acquire skills, abilities, experience in the factory and earn.

The employment of students usually requires more effort for the company, as much more attention is addressed to such aspects as job security and work organization, knowing that this could be the student's first work experience.

We at „Eiroplast” believe that we can help gain good work experience that will come handy.

At present, about 50% of boys and 50% of girls aged 15-18 have applied for a job at „Eiroplast” in this program. The majority of students have applied for jobs in July and August, where jobseekers themselves admit that June is the time for exams, so they are interested in the second half of the summer.

More info here
